In Part 4 we take a look at some more pictures of Decoy Studios. There’s so much to see!

Cenzo at the SSL G6000 console

A rack of amps and pedals, including some of Cenzo’s beloved Audio Kitchen amps

Racks in the mix room, including the Pro Tools HDX system

Various racks in the mix room

Rack including the Analogue Tube AT101 and Lavry converter

Yes another rack in the mix room, mainly comprising effects and processors

Plenty more gear, including Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressors, Chandler TG1 and Smart Research C2
The Library booth:

The studio has large booth which uses books to help control the sounds of the room, inspired by Jimmy Hogarth

A nice place to cut vocals!

The booth has a window through to the control room

A rare Univox organ
The Live Room:

The live room is also a place where artists can relax

Ampeg B15

Rhodes Mark 1 Stage piano

1960s Ludwig House Kit

The essential Fender Twin

Classic guitars…

The Control Room:

The mix room featuring Audient ASP 8024 36-input analogue console with 20 channels of Class A Neve 1073 and 1066 microphone amplifiers amplifiers

The Neve sidecar

The iZ Radar 24 system which Cenzo say sounds exceptional