More pictures from Thomas’ sculpture portfolio
Thomas: “For this gallery, I have chosen some work that took a long time to make and some that was rather simple. For me, it is the idea that matters, and sometimes an idea can be a simple one.”
Sit Back

Sit Back. Thomas: The whole of this sculpture was made with second-hand wood and bolts. As you can see, it is anatomical. Below are some of the sketches I made when developing the idea.”

Sit Back, from above

Sit Back detail showing bolts

Sit Back front view

Sketch of a friend sitting. Thomas: “This sketch was the basis of the sculpture.”

Thomas: “After sketching my friend in his seat, I imagined his skeleton inside. Sit Back is based on the skeleton.”

Thomas: “This is a more practical sketch. It translates the idea into something that can be made.”

Sit Back side view

Sit Back chair. Thomas: “I joined three planks and carved them into the shape of a chair seat.”
Selected Fragment

Selected Fragment. Thomas: “I found a window in a skip and thought it was a shame to waste it, so I created a wall fragment for it. It probably should have been made of brick!”

Selected Fragment: indoor view. Thomas: “Even the wallpaper was second-hand leftovers, as was the plasterboard. The picture frame is made from old architrave.”

Selected Fragment: outside view

Selected Fragment
Kidney Hammock

Kidney Hammock. Thomas: “it is amazing how all our organs and intestines fit inside. This simple sculpture was an experiment, looking at the mass of two clay kidneys and a vertebrae.”

Kidney Hammock side view

Kidney Hammock detail

Heartbreak. Thomas. “Sometimes simple ideas are the best.”

Hearbreak side view

Interaction. Thomas: “This idea uses second-hand wood (some of it machine planed) and second-hand bolts. In fact, they were third-hand, as I’d recycled them from the Sit Back sculpture!”

Interaction from behind

Ideas for Interaction

More sketches for Interaction


Cocoon. Thomas: “I loved the look and feel of this garden material, which is a kind of fleece designed to protect plants from frost. It was like a spider web. This sculpture was a reaction to the materials I’d found.”

Inside the cocoon. Thomas: “The canes were off-cuts from the garden. They made great ribs.”

A visitor

Cocoon from above

Cocoon sketch. Thomas: “This is an early idea for a rib sculpture, made before I came across the garden fleece and canes.”

Coccon sketch. Thomas: “This sketch was made on site. Sketching helps you to focus on what you are doing.”
More images of Thomas’s work can be see on his website here:
The previous parts of this interview are here:
Making New From The Old (Part 1)
Making New From The Old (Part 2)
Making New From The Old (Part 3: Gallery)